Apartments and commercial units
Engelsdorf - Old Machine Factory
Engelsdorf is one of Leipzig's youngest districts: Until the turn of the millennium still an independent community at the gates of the city, Engelsdorf was finally incorporated in 1999. Thus it combines the amenities of the countryside with the advantages of city life. Engelsdorf is located below Paunsdorf and Sommerfeld and north-east of Mölkau. The district thus forms the eastern border of Leipzig. Engelsdorf is an idyllic neighbourhood characterised by familiarity and serenity and has a pace all its own. The village-like structures of the district spread out around the manageable Engelsdorf Park, offering a glimpse of the old Engelsdorf. Here you can still find winding streets, bumpy cobblestones and the odd weather-beaten house.
Wilhelminian architecture can also be found here. But a new Engelsdorf is growing around the old one: the Engelsgrund and the Wiesengrund are two of the new neighbourhoods that have emerged. You discover the Engelsgärten when you reach the district from Paunsdorf. They all feature beautiful house constructions and delight the eye with architectural highlights.
The building is part of the former drilling machine factory Paul Schumann KG, located between Herzberger Straße and Arnoldplatz in Leipzi-Engelsdorf.
In 1893, Ernst Schumann, then 29 years old, took over his father's forge in Sommerfeld. He was interested in blacksmithing and technology. While the company initially produced accessories for wooden lathes, it specialised in the construction of drilling machines from around 1900.
Within a very short time, the drilling machine factory gained a good international reputation and delivered pillar drilling machines and universal milling machines from Engelsdorf all over the world. So business was very good. From the residential building (which did not survive), building after building was added to the factory. These structures, built from about 1920 onwards, now form the Herzberger Straße 1 estate in Leipzig-Engelsdorf. The factory on the other side of the street (today Sondermaschinenbau Engelsdorf) was built later. After the Second World War and as a result of expropriation in 1947, more or less everything went down the drain.
Since 2009, the former factory has been rebuilt, extended and redeveloped piece by piece. An ensemble of residential use in harmony with non-disturbing commerce was created.